
Application Period

January 21 – 11:59pm on Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mentor Approval Form

All Undergraduate Symposium applications must include a complete and signed mentor approval form. This form confirms that your mentor has approved your project for presentation at the Undergraduate Symposium. You will need to upload the complete form with your application.

The approval form requires the signature of one project mentor. If you have more than one, we encourage you to confirm with your mentors whether they have preferences regarding who should sign. Generally, we recommend that the mentor who signs has closely supervised your work and can review and provide feedback on your title and abstract or artist’s statement.

2025 Undergraduate Symposium Mentor Approval Form

Steps to Submit an Application

  1. Finalize and proofread your project title and abstract or artist’s statement. Abstracts and artist’s statements are limited to 125 words.
  2. Identify 3 to 5 keywords that represent your project’s focus and main ideas.
  3. If you plan to present with a team at the Undergraduate Symposium, designate one group member to complete the mentor approval form and submit an application.
  4. Work with your mentor to complete the mentor approval form for your project. You will need to upload a complete and signed mentor approval form with your application.
  5. Complete and submit the Undergraduate Symposium application in Qualtrics. On the application, you will be asked to provide the following information:

2025 Undergraduate Symposium Application

Application Deadline: 11:59pm on Sunday, March 16, 2025

All undergraduate students who submit a complete and signed mentor approval form and application before 11:59pm on March 16, 2025 will be able to participate in the Undergraduate Symposium.


Undergraduates enrolled at UW–Madison during the current academic year are eligible to participate including those graduating in December prior to the symposium.

Visiting students who are not officially enrolled at UW–Madison, but are currently participating in an undergraduate team research project, may present their work as long as one member of the project team is enrolled at UW–Madison and holds undergraduate status. The currently enrolled UW–Madison student must be the primary applicant for the project.